When a student returns to school following an absence, he/she must bring a note the next day signed and dated by a parent/guardian stating when and why the student was absent. This note is to be given to the attendance clerk in the Main Office. Please be sure the student’s full name is included in the note.
Students without notes from a parent/guardian will be given an unexcused absence. Failure to bring a note will be treated as truancy. Unexcused absences will be replaced by excused absences if an acceptable note is presented within two school days. Once students arrive on campus, although they have not entered the building, they may not leave the school grounds without permission.
Florida law requires students to attend school each day school is in session. Only the following will be accepted as excused absences:
- Illness or injury
- Illness or death of a member of the student’s immediate family
- Recognized (or established) religious holidays and/or religious instruction
- Medical/Legal appointments
- Participation in an approved activity or class of instruction held at another site
- Prearranged absences of educational value with the principal’s prior approval
- Head Lice infestation (up to four days during the school year)
*You have the same number of days you were absent to make up your missed work.*
When you need a prearranged absence, a Prearranged Absence Form can be obtained from the attendance office. This form should be completed by your parent/guardian and returned to the attendance office at least two school days prior to the absence.
If a student arrives late to school, he/she must report to the Attendance Office for an admittance slip before going to class. Repeated tardiness will be referred to the grade level administrator or the school social worker.
A parent must come into the Attendance Office to check out a student and must have picture identification; this parent's name must match the name included in the official school records.
Due to changes in the legislation, 5 tardies to 1st period will now constitute one unexcused absence.
For more specific information, please contact, Attendance Clerk, at extension 2250
Orange County Public School Student Attendance Policy: five (5) tardies to school equals one unexcused absence. The authority to apply accumulated tardies as unexcused absences is given to the board in statute s.1003.02 (1)(b). As you know attendance is crucial to student achievement. Please help your child succeed in both academic achievement as well as attendance.