Parent and Family Engagement plan

School Name

Union Park Middle School


Orange County Public Schools

The following is to ensure school-level parent and family engagement plans meet the requirements of Section 1116(b) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)


The above named school agrees to the following assurances:

  • Involve parents of children served in Title I, Part A in decisions about how Title I Part A funds are spent;
  • Carry out the programs, activities, and procedures in accordance with the definitions in Section 8101 of ESEA;
  • Jointly develop/revise plan with parent and make available to the local community;
  • Involve parents and families in planning, reviewing, and improving schoolwide program plan;
  • Use the findings of parent and family engagement plan review to design strategies for more effective engagement, and to review, if necessary, the school's parent and family engagement plan;
  • Provide each family with timely notice information regarding their right to request information on the professional qualifications of the student's classroom teachers and paraprofessionals;
  • Notify each family, in a timely manner, when their child has been assigned, or has been taught for four or more consecutive weeks, by a teacher(s) who is out of field;
  • Provide each family with an individualized student report about the performance of their child(ren) on the State assessments [ESEA Section 1116]

Mission Statement

1. Does the mission statement include: How the parent and family engagement plan is a shared responsibility?

Complimenting OCPS's mission to lead our students to success, Union Park Middle School believes in promoting positive parent/family involvement through building capacity activities centered around curriculum, supportive programs and student enrichment opportunities throughout the year.

School Name

Union Park Middle School


Orange County Public Schools

Plan will assist in providing high quality instruction for all learners?

Involvement of Parents

2. Does the plan include:

How the school will involve the parents and families in an organized, ongoing, and timely manner in the planning, review and improvement of Title I programs, including involvement in decision making of how funds for Title I will be used [ESEA Section 1116]?

Union Park Middle School believes in involving parents in all aspects of its Title I programs. The SAC has the responsibility for developing, implementing, and evaluating the various school level plans, including the SIP and PFEP. More than 50 percent of the members of the SAC are parent (non- employee) representatives. In addition, all parents will be given the opportunity to review the plan and offer their input. For the PFEP, all parents will be given surveys seeking their input on activities, training, and materials they need to help their child. Results of parent surveys are reviewed by the SAC to determine needed changes. During the SAC meeting when the PFEP and/or SIP are developed, the committee will decide, with the input from parents, how the parental involvement funds will be used.

Coordination and Integration with Other Federal Programs

3. Does the plan include:

How the school will coordinate and integrate parent and family engagement programs and activities?

How the school will coordinate and integrate parent and family activities that teach parents how to help their child(ren) at home [ESEA Section 1116]?

The school will coordinate a briefing of the PFEP during weekly department PLCs, as well as having it readily available for all staff to view on demand. The school will also coordinate a Math night and Literacy night where we can reach out to parents and provide them with resources and contact information necessary to get their child help where needed.



Title I

Professional Development modules will be provided to schools to support the professional development needs of the staff related to parental involvement.

Title II

Funds from Title II be used to provide training to our teachers in understanding the cultural diversity in our school.

School Name

Union Park Middle School


Orange County Public Schools

Title III

Parental involvement activities designed to assist parents of LEP students to help them work with their children to improve their children's achievement will be shared through specific parent meetings.


Parent meetings specifically focused on strategies and activities to help students with specific learning disabilities and/or ESE population.

Title X

McKinney Vento Program provides support to our homeless students.

Annual Parent Meeting

4. Does the plan include:

A description of the specific steps the school will take to conduct the annual meeting to inform parents and families of participating children about the school's Title I program?

A description of the nature of the Title I Program that is shared with parents (schoolwide or targeted assistance)?

A description of how the meeting will cover adequate yearly progress (AYP), school choice, and the rights of parents are covered at the annual meeting?

The school will host a presentation to the families of each grade level during the annual Meet the Teacher event. Respectively, the 6th grade, 7th grade, and 8th grade parents are given their own time designation to view a presentation in the cafeteria. This presentation includes an overview of the Title I Program, the school's AYP grade, school choice, and rights they have as parents or guardians. The parents are then dismissed to walk the campus and meet the instructional staff.

Activity/ Task

Person Responsible


Evidence of Effectiveness

Develop agenda, sign-in sheets, PPT handouts



copies of sign in sheets, handouts and CD of presentation

Develop and disseminate invitations


September 2022

Flyer, Connect Orange Phone message

Develop sign-in sheets


August/September 2022

sheets for meeting and classrooms

Advertise/publicize event


September 2022

Flyer, Connect Orange Phone message

Conduct Meeting


September 2022

sheets, PowerPoint

School Name

Union Park Middle School


Orange County Public Schools

Maintain documentation

Title I Contact

2022-2023 school year

Documentation artifacts

Flexible Parent Meetings

5. Does the plan include:

How will the school offer a flexible number of meetings, such as meeting in the morning or evening?

How will the school provide, with Title I funds, transportation, child care or home visits, as such services relate to parent and family engagement [ESEA Section 1116]?

We have many parents that work more than one job. In order to encourage more parental involvement, we offer meetings at different times: Directly after school, or later evening hours to accommodate parents work schedules. We find that offering this flexibility gives parents more opportunities to attend meetings. We also offer childcare by asking a teacher and students from service-oriented clubs to provide this service for the parents. An example is our quarterly PLC meetings; for the 2nd quarter meeting we offered meetings at 10 am, 3 pm, 6:30 pm. To provide additional flexibility and to ensure all parents are offered accommodations, conferences may also be scheduled before school or during teacher planning periods. Telephone conferences and/or virtual meetings also provide diverse and flexible options for our parents.

Building Capacity

6. Does the plan include:

How the school will implement activities that will build the capacity for meaningful parent/family involvement?

How will the school implement activities that will build relationships with the community to improve student achievement?

How the school will provide material and training to assist parents/families to work with their child(ren)?

How the school will provide other reasonable support for parent/family

The school will host at least one monthly event where families are welcome to visit campus for a variety of reasons, such as academic achievement celebrations, sporting events, and SAC meetings.

Parents will be provided with the necessary information in order to utilize online academic platforms, such as i-Ready in order to facilitate learning and monitoring, at home. Parents will also be provided with contact information of all instruction staff via the school website as well as Progressbook login information to track their student's progress in school.

School Name

Union Park Middle School


Orange County Public Schools

engagement activities [ESEA Section 1116]?

Activity/ Task

Person Responsible

Correlation to Student Achievement


Evidence of Effectiveness

Parent Nights to include training and strategies for parents to help their student with reading, math, science and/or writing.

Math, Literacy, Writing Coaches

Parents will be provided with grade specific information and strategies they can use to help their child at home.

August 2022-May 2023

Surveys, Sign in sheets, Parent conferences, log sheets

Parent Nights for Literacy Nights

Math, Literacy, Writing Coaches

Content specific sessions will be provided for parents. Information will include strategies parents can use at home and grade level proficiency.

August 2022- May 2023

Surveys, Sign in sheets, Parent conferences, log sheets

Parent Nights to train parents how to use web based software that can help their student.

Math, Literacy, Writing Coaches

Increased parental involvement impacts student performance.


Surveys, Sign in sheets, Parent conferences, log sheets

Parents are invited/ encouraged to attend SAC, PLC and PTSA meetings.


Increased parental involvement impacts student performance.


Surveys, Sign in sheets, Parent conferences, log sheets

Educate teachers, parents, and students how to communicate and increase student achievement.

Math, Literacy, Writing Coaches

Increased parental involvement impacts student performance.


Surveys, Sign in sheets, Parent conferences, log sheets

Staff Development

7. Does the plan include:

A description of the professional development activities the school will provide to educate the teachers, specialized instructional support personnel, principals, other school leaders and other staff:

The staff will be trained with multiple modules through a series of afternoon professional development. The trainings will cover best practices for parent contact, coordinating and after school events through academics or through clubs, and encouraging a dialogue between students' families.

School Name

Union Park Middle School


Orange County Public Schools

  • With the assistance of parents/families, in the value and utility of contributions of parents/families?
  • In how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents/families as equal partners?
  • In implementing and coordinating parent/family programs, and in building ties between parents/families and the school [ESEA Section 1116]?

Activity/ Task

Person Responsible

Correlation to Student Achievement


Evidence of Effectiveness

Title I Orientation on the importance of parent involvement


Increased parent communication and student achievement


school year

Increase in student achievement

Effective Communication between school and home

Principal & Assistant Principals

Increased parent communication and student achievement


school year

Increase in student achievement

Progress Book: Communicating and working with parents,


Teachers will be provided with a training to improve the ability of staff to work effectively with parents.


school year

sign in sheets, handouts, presentation materials

The Importance of Parental Involvement Training Module 1

Principal and Title I Coordinator

Teachers will receive training on ways to ensure parents are contacted effectively

November 2022

exit slips

Building Ties Between Home and School Training Module 2


Increased parental involvement impacts student performance

December 2022

exit slips

Implementation and Coordination of Parental Involvement Programs - Module 3

Principal and Title I Coordinator

Increased parent communication and student achievement

January 2023

exit slips

School Name

Union Park Middle School


Orange County Public Schools

Communicating and Working with Parents Module 4

Principal and Title I Coordinator

Increased parent communication and student achievement

February 2023

exit slips

Other Activities

8. Does the plan include:

How other activities, such as the parent resource center, the school will conduct to encourage and support parents and families in more meaningful engagement in the education of their child(ren) [ESEA Section 1116]?

Literacy training for parents focusing on using programs at home that will support students including i-Ready Reading and Math.

Student celebrations and curriculum nights that will be used to promote the success of our students to parents and the community.

Activity/ Task

Person Responsible


Evidence of Effectiveness

Academic Support Parent Night

Principal / Assistant Principal / Guidance

November 2022

Sign in Sheets, Survey

Academic Support Parent Night

Principal / Assistant Principal /Guidance

January 2023

Sign in Sheets, Survey


9. Does the plan include:

How the school will provide timely information about the Title I programs?

How the school will describe and explain the curriculum at the school, the forms of assessment used to measure student progress and the achievement levels students are expected to obtain?

At the annual meeting of parents in August, Union Park Middle School will hold a general meeting where information will be presented about the Title I programs, the curriculum, and academic assessments. Parents will learn about the school program, how to schedule parent-teacher conferences, and opportunities for participation in decisions related to the education of their child. Parents are given a copy of the parent/student handbook in their student planner. Parents have the opportunity to see the PFEP. During classroom visits, teachers will provide additional information on the subjects they teach, assessment plans, and how parents can help at home. Teachers will maintain sign-in sheets and provide a copy to the principal. Translations of various languages are available upon request.

School Name

Union Park Middle School


Orange County Public Schools

How, if requested by parents, the school provides opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their child(ren)?

How the school will submit parents/ families comments if the schoolwide plan is not satisfactory to them [ESEA Section 1116]?


10. Does the plan include:

A description of how the school will provide full opportunities for participation in parent/family engagement activities for all parents/families?

A description of how the school will share information related to school and parent/family programs, meetings, school reports, and other activities in an understandable, uniform format, and in languages that the parents/families can understand?

The PFEP will be summarized into a brochure that will be printed in English and Spanish and provided to all parents. The brochure will outline the major components of the policy and the school will offer to provide a hard copy to parents, upon request. In addition, hard copies will be available in the office and the parent resource room. All written communication will be provided for parents in English and Spanish. Translators will be available at all parent meetings and in the school office. If other languages are needed, we will send the material to the Title I office where local companies will be contracted to provide the translations. The English Language Survey results will be used to determine the number and specific needs for translations into a language other than English. If needed, American Sign Language translation services will be available. UPMS is fully accessible for the physically challenged and disabled parents.

Discretionary Activities

(for example: home visits, transportation for meetings, activities related to parent/family engagement, etc.)

Activity/ Task

Person Responsible

Correlation to Student Achievement


Evidence of Effectiveness

Involving parents in the development of training for teachers, principals, and other educators to improve the effectiveness of that training [Section 1118(e)(6)]; and

Through School Advisory Council, Parent Leadership Council, Parent Teacher Student Parent Association

Principal and SAC chairperson

Increased parent participation, communication and knowledge

October 2022

Providing necessary literacy training for parents from Title I, Part A funds, if the LEA has exhausted all other reasonably available sources of funding for that training [Section 1118(e)(7)]; and

Family Literacy Nights

subject Area Coaches

Increase in student achievement


school year

Training parents to enhance the involvement of other parents [Section 1118(e)(9)];

Encourage attendance at the Family Involvement Conference


Increase in student achievement

October 2022

Maximizing parental involvement and participation in their children's education by arranging school meetings at a variety of times, or conducting in-home conferences between teachers or other educators, who work directly with participating children, with parents who are unable to attend

UPMS will arrange school meetings at a variety of times, as well as conferences between parents and teachers


Increased parent participation, communication and knowledge


school year

School Name

Union Park Middle School


Orange County Public Schools

those conferences at school [Section 1118(e)(10)];

Developing appropriate roles for community- based organizations and businesses, including faith- based organizations, in parental involvement activities [Section 1118(e)(13)].

Involving the community to work with our parents and students

Principal, PIE coordinator, ADDitions Coordinator

Increased parent participation, communication and knowledge


school year


12. Does the plan include:

A description of the barriers that hindered participation by parents during the previous school year?

A description of the steps the school will take during the upcoming school year to overcome the barriers (with particular attention paid to parents/families who are disabled, have limited English proficiency, and parents/families of migratory children [ESEA Section 1116]?

We have many parents that work more than one job. In order to encourage more parental involvement we offer meetings at different times: right after school, after finishing work, during the dinner hour and after the dinner hour. We find that offering this flexibility gives parents more opportunities to attend meetings.

Barriers (Including the Specific Subgroup)

Steps the School will Take to Overcome

Parents being at work during after school times.

Offer meetings at different times: right after school, after finishing work, during the dinner hour and after the dinner hour.

School-Parent Compact

13. Does the plan include:

As a component of the school-level parental involvement policy/plan, each school shall jointly develop, with parents for all children served under this part, a school-parent compact that outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement?

Provide a scanned copy with this document of the School- Parent Compact and evidence of parent input in the development of the compact.


The parental involvement policy/plan has been developed jointly with, and agreed on with, parents of children participating in Title I, Part A programs, as evidence by participation in monthly School Advisory Committee meetings.

This policy/plan was adopted by the school on September 2019 and will be in effect for the period of December 2019.

The School will distribute this policy to all parents of participating Title I, Part A children on or before January 2020.

Signature of Authorized Personnel


Provide evidence that this policy/plan has been developed with the input from parents based on the review of the previous school years Parent and Family Engagement Plan if applicable.

The following documents can be submitted as evidence:

  • Parent survey of previous year's events and activities
  • Any SAC and PTA artifacts where Title I/PFE topics were on the agenda
  • Parent Feedback Summary of PFEP Evaluation
  • Parent and Family Engagement Activities Tracking Form