Language Arts

The Language Arts Department at Union Park Middle School focuses on all areas of communication. While reading and writing provide the foundation for these skills, we also focus on listening, speaking, and communicating effectively in all aspects of life. We strive to prepare students for the rigors of high school and college classes in the areas of literature, writing, and grammar.

  Language Arts

In the 21st century of high-tech multimedia venues, writing still remains the major avenue for communicating ideas and information. In order to prepare students for the future, all students in OCPS are given writing opportunities within all content areas at all grade levels.  Our vision for writing includes the following:

  • Writing is an integral part of learning.
  • Teachers must model writing-to-learn practices within instruction.
  • The writing process remains the most successful vehicle for writing.
  • Writing instruction must go beyond formulaic writing.
  • Students benefit when they write for real-world situations that have personal connections.
  • Teachers must incorporate technology into the students' writing experiences. 
  • All schools must embed solid writing practices into their literacy cultures.

Language Arts